Wow. New Year's Eve already. Time to look back, for a moment, before stepping forward into our new life in 2008.
As I've only been around since October, that makes things a little easier for me. But the pretty much universally-agreed-to calendar year has twelve months. That seems like a lot. But people are busy; they need time to get things done. Hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries. (Beyond "centuries" the reptile brain that both Polar Bears and Humans evolved from, gets unable-to-comprehend, stopped.)
Getting things done and made, I've learned, is what people, for better and for worse, have been evolved to do. Time. Now there's an interest of mine I need to add to my interests lists on my blog profile.
Now, on New Year's Eve, as we are poised to dip our toe into the eighth year of the first decade of this new 21st-century, could it be timely for Homo Sapiens to ask themselves this question: is there a better way?
Just for fun - with this being the new year and all, a time for new understandings - we looked up the definition of Homo Sapiens. Here is what it said: man, woman, human being; the scientific name for the only living species of the genus Homo. Wow. That's special.
Now with me being a Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus, I'm one of several species of Ursus or bears. But Sapiens are the only living species of the genus Homo. Hey man, wow. That makes you dudes, human beings, a one-of-a-kind unique species in your genus: Homo. But I suppose everybody knows that. So what? Well, you've gotta remember I'm a working Polar Bear, just doing my job, trying to figure things out.
So next we looked up sapient. It means wise, sagacious, full of knowledge, discerning. Sagacious? Now that, according to Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language means: keenly perceptive or discerning, shrewd, farsighted in judgment. Discerning, now how about that? Discern: to separate (a thing) mentally from another or others; recognize; make out clearly.
Now, don't you think that having those extra bells and whistles should separate people, Homo Sapiens, out from the rest of us beasts, wouldn't you think? Making you human folks sagacious, that is discerning and farsighted-in-judgment enough, to change and to demand change from our elected leaders, as in: there must be a better way!
Truly yours,
Polar Bear Witness
P.P.S. Please share the bear! www.polarbearwitness.blogspot.com
P.P.S. Please share the bear! www.polarbearwitness.blogspot.com
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