Monday, November 26, 2007

What We Can Do. Y Not?

What We Can Do. Y Not?
Madison East Side YMCA

November 26, 2007

Speaking of the Sierra Club, last night at the Y we met Patty.

She asked us if global warming had something to do with us being there. Patty told us that she re-uses the rinse water when she does her laundry. "With a family of five, we probably save thousands of gallons of water every year."

"And you know," Patty continued, "when they put in new exercise equipment here, I wondered why they didn't buy the kind of equipment that could power the lights."

"And the chlorine they use in the pool is a carcinogen. Salt water," she said, "which people use in both public and private pools for environmental and health reasons, would be a much better choice."

Based on my Polar experience, I certainly agree.

When we asked Patty if she worked for an environmental agency, she told us:
"No, but I'm a lifetime member of the Sierra Club. And every month in their newsletter they suggest ideas for reducing global warming, what we can do."


~Polar Bear Witness
P.S. Please share the bear!

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