Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Polar Bears of the World Unite to Salute Women on International Women's Day

Polar Bear Witness and his new best friend Polar Bearski thank all the women in the world for all they do to reduce, stop and reverse climate change.
See you at the March for Science on April 22nd, Earth Day!

Print copy of original art by international woman artist, Toni Lieppert Polfus.

Polar Bear Witness Meets Bob at the January 21st Women's March

Back on January 21st en route to the Women's March in Madison, we thanked Alice for the ride and then bailed on her and her car when we got near Langdon Street, which leads down to campus and Library Mall, where things were supposed to start.  Funny thing, by the time we got there, sometime after noon, the place was so packed there was hardly room for a polar bear to stand, let alone march.  We met up with Bob, they call him "Fighting Bob" at the Wisconsin Idea sign.
Sometimes, when people see me they shout out:  "I like your sign!"  What they don't know is that I am a Wisconsin idea too.

Truly yours,
~Polar Bear Witness